This Is My Last Substack Post
Substack has invited Nazis to the party. I do not wish to attend a party with Nazis. So I am leaving.
If you pretend that the principle of freedom of speech means that you have to platform Nazis or associate with Nazis (or the like), then you are just being dishonest. Freedom of speech means that government may not censor the speech of Nazis, and Nazis are free to say whatever they want using their own resources (excepting incitement to violence and the like). It does not mean that you have to invite Nazis to your party.
I will continue to produce the same sort of commentary, I will just do it elsewhere. If you want to follow my work, please join my MailChimp email list. Alternately, send me an email to feedback[at][first name][last name][dot]com.
I am turning off paid subscriptions immediately. If you are a paid subscriber, I apologize for the hassle. I hope you will consider contributing financially to my work in other ways (details to follow).
Self In Society (on Substack) is dead. Long live Self In Society.
Thank you for reading, -Ari Armstrong